Sunday, January 15, 2012

Table top Easel on cardboard!

I'm back people, I finally have some more projects coming up, for now I'll sow you how to make a table top easel out of a big cardboard box.
First you have to select a box that fits the side of your easel, it can be as big as a regular paper sheet 8.5 x 11 inches or a bigger one. Select the parts that fold naturally, look for the ones that will help you to fold in a triangle shape, it will be the board, like this one:
This piece is divided in three parts keeping the original folds that the box had.
base and board
Here is the triangle hold it by a binder clip, you can put as much clips as you want I'm using a medium size.
I also cut a two others sides of the box that fold naturally so I can make a base in case of spills, and I left a little flange so the brushes don't roll over.

I glue the base of the triangle on one of the sides of the base with a silicone glue gun.
Make sure that when you take the binder off the easel can fold.
This is the end result, it is very lite so you can put it any where, and onece your child is done with it and put it a way:)


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