Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fun Montessori toys at home! Juguetes Montessori en casa!

Finally I'll show you more toys and fun activities that I do at home with my daughter fallowing Montessori method. This one I call it serving cotton balls:)
You will need: Colorful cottons balls (or other object easy to grab with pins), different size containers, pins and a tray if you organize the toys according with Montessori.

Finalmente tengo tiempo de mostrarles algunas actividades Montessori que hago en casa con mi hija.
A esta actividad la llamo sirviendo olgodones.
Necesitas bolitas de algodon o algun otro objeto facil de agarrar con pinzas, resipientes de diferentes tamanios y pinza.

What you do? first sow your kid how to grab a cotton ball with the pins and put it on an other container,   after you do it let him try, until he learns it, past the balls back and ford several times, star with 2 containers an add more latter on if you want, when this activitie is master insted of cotton balls you will use fruits or any other snack so he will learn to serve him self. I stars this activities when she was 19 months old, now she is almost 2 years old and she is ready to serve her oun snacks. Alowing kids to do sertaing tasks by them selves boost their self esteem and become more independien, also remenber that every kid is diferen as well as the learnig rithm. I believe in my child ability to do thing by her self and I let her try as long as dosen't harm her self.

Primero muestra al niño como agarrar las bolitas de algodon con las pinzas, deja que el intente, repite este ejercicio hasta que se sienta con confiansa de agarrar las bolitas y ponerlas en otros recipientes. deja al niño jugar hasta que el decida parar.
Esta actividad hara que el niño este listo para servir sus propias snack o frutas, yo comence cuando mi hija tenia 19 meses ahora esta por cumplir los 2 años y ya puede servir trocitos de furtas.
Recuerda que cada niño es diferente y se desarrolla a su propio ritmo. Permitiendo que haga siertas actividades por si solo aumenta su autoestima y su sentido de independencia. Creo en la capacidad que tiene mi hija para hacer cosas por si sola, mientras no sea peligroso, deja que tu niño lo intente, Suerte!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Eco-friendly lunch bag set! Lonchera Eco- friendly!

I found some of my old cloth bags that I used in collage and it's so cool that I just have to use it again and I been looking for a eco friendly lunch box for my baby girl so I figure it can be it and at the same time I'll stop using that much of plastic bags, I even make the whole set.
For the snack bags I choose a clear color %100 cotton but any color will work too, I saw in the top shapes related with lunch time and put velcro tape inside to open and close.

Por fin encontre la lonchera perfecta para mi bebe y es eco friendly, una bolsa de tela a la que le corte los tirantes un poco para que sea la talla de mi nena, pegue cinta de velcro por entro para cerrar y abrir y listo. Para tener todo el conjunto hice otras dos bolsas mas pequenas para las snacks y borde encima figuras relacionadas con lunch time. Escogi tela de manta color claro.

Tips to wash out hard stains: buy a stain removal bar, sun dray it or in the worst case scenario bleach it but in a very low mixture, other option  if you don't want to deal with stains attache a Ziploc bag in side with more velcro tape, sew it or use snap buttons, try it out!!

Algunas sugerencias para quitar las manchas dificiles es usar una barra para remover manchas, dejar secando en el sol o usar un poco de cloro. En caso de no querer preocuparse por manchas pega una bolsa ziplog  por dentro con mas cinta velcro, botones o cosela por entro. Suerte!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Table top Easel on cardboard!

I'm back people, I finally have some more projects coming up, for now I'll sow you how to make a table top easel out of a big cardboard box.
First you have to select a box that fits the side of your easel, it can be as big as a regular paper sheet 8.5 x 11 inches or a bigger one. Select the parts that fold naturally, look for the ones that will help you to fold in a triangle shape, it will be the board, like this one:
This piece is divided in three parts keeping the original folds that the box had.
base and board
Here is the triangle hold it by a binder clip, you can put as much clips as you want I'm using a medium size.
I also cut a two others sides of the box that fold naturally so I can make a base in case of spills, and I left a little flange so the brushes don't roll over.

I glue the base of the triangle on one of the sides of the base with a silicone glue gun.
Make sure that when you take the binder off the easel can fold.
This is the end result, it is very lite so you can put it any where, and onece your child is done with it and put it a way:)
