Saturday, November 19, 2011

Baby books!

I just want to share some books that my baby loves and I picked them because they also teach her something, specially if there's something that I want her to do, like eat bananas ;) or veggies!!

Good behavior books

Books that will help to increase vocabulary like animals, colors, shapes, body parts, counting etc.

Books that will help with a specific issue like potty train, bed time or good manners, etc.

So what ever you want to baby to learn or do look for a book that teaches her that and read it as often as you can, do it as a routine in a specific time of the day, to my baby I read in the morning the book about bananas or food and she will eat her breakfast happily or bedtime book before she goes to bed, and so on. Try it out and good luck.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Montessori home activities. Clean is fun! Actividades Montessori en casa. Hora de limpiar!

As a teacher I love Montessori philosophy and it is all about teaching children throw play and manipulation of objects, so that children will participate in their environment like home activities.
So here is what I do to teach my baby to clean up in a fun and interactive way, she loves it, you can star as soon as 18 moths of age, this also apply for boys. Maybe in the future you don't have to deal with cleaning up time.
Como maestra me encanta la filosofia montessori y se trata de enseniar a los ninios atravez del juego y manipulacion de objetos para que los ninos participen actividades del hogar entre otras.
Esta actividad es divertida e interactiva a mi nena le encanta, ella tenia 18 meses cuando comenzamos, tambien es adecuada para ninos, y cualquier edad es apropiada.

Clean is fun!
First I stared looking around the house for some appropriated cleaning items to use with my baby, or you can buy them too. Put this items in a specific place all the time where your child can rich them easily for when ever they are need. Ours are in a basket in the bottom part of the toy self.
Limpiar es divertido!
Primero busque objetos de limpieza  en mi casa que mi nena pudiera ulilizar, o tambien los pueden comprar. Pongan estos objetos en un lugares axesibles y fijo para que sus ninos lo encuentren facilmente, los nuestras estan en una canasta en la parte de abajo del juguetero.

Some cleaning items are, a small cloth towel or sponge to dry out, a pocket or conteiner where to put the liquid (water or milk), a small broom, brush, dustpan, paper towel etc.

Algunos de estos objetos son, una escoba pequena, una esponja o toalla limpiadora, servilletas, recogedor, cepillo, una cubeta para exprimir la esponja con los liquidos etc.

So ones you got all your items in a establish place every time she spills something or make a mess encourage her to clean up, look for the cleaning basket, and show her how to do it, let her try and do it your self again,  is just a game. Note don't say negative or criticizer phrases like, "no like that, like this" or "you are not doing it right" just reward with a hug or nice word for trying it out.
If you do it as often as you can it will become a routine and in the future she may do it her self, of course it will take time but is a good habit.
Good luck!
Una vez que ya tengas los objetos establecidos cada vez que tu bebe derrame leche o ensucie el lugar donde come, sugiere buscar los juguetes para limpiar, muestrale como hacerlo primero y luego deja que el lo intente, quisas tendras que mostrar varias veces como hacerlo.
Recuerda no criticar o decir comentarios negativos acerca del trabajo que esta haciendo tu nino como " asi no." o " no lo estas haciendo bien" es solo un juego y con la practica el mejorara sus abilidades que acaba de aprender. Recompensa su intento con un abrazo o fraces motivadoras un "buen trabajo" sera suficiente.
Si haces esto lo mas frecuentemente que puedes se convertira en una rutina y un muy buen habito para tu nino(a).